From Fatal to ‘Chronic Disease’

CHICAGO — Prominent Chinese oncologist Tony Shu-Kam Mok, MD, who presented as first author of a phase 3 non–small cell lung cancer study at ASCO 2024, made a dramatic swerve in his career path at age 36.

After 20 years in Canada — 7 spent practicing community oncology near Toronto — Dr Mok was visiting family in his native Hong Kong back in 1996 when a job offer there enabled him to revive his early dream of doing academic research. Dr Mok and his family moved back home just before the former British colony was returned to China in 1997.

That leap of faith helped Dr Mok play a role in the global paradigm shift on treating lung cancer. He chairs the department of clinical oncology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. A leader in ushering in targeted therapies and personalized medicine in China and globally, he has helped advance the goal of transforming lung cancer from a death sentence to a chronic disease.

Among Dr Mok’s other accomplishments, he has published eight books and more than 200 journal articles. Since 2006, he has been writing a twice-weekly column in the Hong Kong Economic Times. At the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Dr Mok sat down with this news organization to discuss his latest findings, his career path, and China’s ever-growing presence in multinational clinical trials, pharmaceuticals, and cancer research in general.

Question: At ASCO 2024 in Chicago, you presented as first author of the KRYSTAL-12 study. Can you give a short “elevator speech” summarizing those findings?

Dr Mok: KRYSTAL-12 is a randomized phase 3 study comparing adagrasib with docetaxel in patients with previously treated advanced/metastatic non–small cell lung cancer harboring a KRAS G12C-mutation. And the findings are positive, with a median progression free survival of 5.5 months vs 3.8 months, with a significant hazard ratio [of 0.58]. And then there are also differences in their response rates of 32% versus 9%, and that gives you an [odds] ratio of 4.86. So yes, it’s significant.

Question: Now that you’ve given this presentation and perhaps taken some good, meaningful questions about it, are there any further points you’d like to make anything you’d like to add?

Dr Mok: You have to understand that whatever I said has been scrutinized by the pharmaceutical company, but now I can say whatever I like. I think the key point is that we actually have made the first so-called achievement in the KRAS G12C space. But this is only the beginning.

I want to note that the median progression-free survival is different, but not the best. The median 5.5 months result is good, but not good enough. So, we still have to work hard to answer the question: How can we best deliver care to patients with KRAS G12C?

Question: Speaking more generally about the challenges of targeting KRAS, what issues arise in terms of biomarker testing for KRAS mutations in the clinic? 

Dr Mok: In colorectal cancer, there has been testing for KRAS [mutations] for a long, long time. So, most of the laboratories, as long as they are well equipped, will be able to test for KRAS. Usually, the cheaper way is to buy PCR [polymerase chain reaction]. However, these days it’s getting trendier to use NGS [next-generation sequencing]. So, one way or another, specificity is very high. I don’t think we have too much of a problem. The only difference between colorectal cancer and lung cancer is that the tissue sample may not be as good for lung cancer with a small biopsy, but otherwise testing is not an issue.

Question: What clinical trials should oncologist be watching to come into this space? 

Dr Mok: There are a lot. Right now, there is the so-called first-line study that’s coming up. So, I can cite you some examples for the KRYSTAL-7 trial, which is the combination of pembrolizumab together with adagrasib in the PD-L1 Tumor Proportion Score ≥ 50%.

That’s one example. And then there is the CodeBreaK 202 trial, which is actually the combination of chemotherapy with sotorasib versus chemotherapy and I-O [immune-oncology]. That is also an ongoing study.

Question: I also want to ask you some background questions about yourself. Back in the day, you lived in Canada and were a community oncologist. Then you made a very big change in your life and moved back home to Hong Kong in 1996, on the eve of its return to China the following year.

Dr Mok: Well, I was born and raised in Hong Kong, but I left for Canada for education when I was 16 and kind of stayed there and got medical school oncology training and then started my practice. At that time, I never imagined myself going back. But 1996 was a big year. Incidentally, I went back to Hong Kong then to visit my friends and was offered a job at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Then 1997 was coming. I found it very exciting that we could work with China. So that’s why I decided to return. And this was probably one of my best decisions I ever made in my life.

Question: And you went from being a community oncologist to academic research?

Dr Mok: Here’s a personal thing that I can share with you: When I finished my oncology training at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, I thought of going into research and becoming an academic. However, my son was born. Household costs went up, and I didn’t want to be a low-income, poor PhD student, so I decided that I may as well go into private practice. Returning to Hong Kong [in 1996] gave me a second chance. I went from being a community oncologist for seven years in Canada to a totally new environment in Hong Kong, where I started my academic work at age 36. It has been a good journey.

Question: Why do you say that was the best decision you ever made? 

Dr Mok: At that time, it took me about 2 weeks to make this important decision. Basically: I had to give up my big house and my big car in Canada and move back to a small apartment in Hong Kong. That was a tough decision to make. However, it was a matter of certainty versus uncertainty.

In Canada, I actually had a very stable situation. I had a big practice in the Scarborough area [of Toronto], with a lot of Chinese patients, so I had a better, more comfortable life. It was predictable. But then I asked myself what I would be like in 10 years if I stayed in Canada versus Hong Kong. My answer is that I had no idea what would happen to me 10 years later in Hong Kong. In certain parts of life, you have to decide between certainty and uncertainty. And this time, uncertainty brought me great adventure. I definitely would not have done the things I’ve done if I’d stayed in Canada.

Question: At this ASCO, you’ve spoken primarily about your latest research on non–small cell lung cancer with KRAS G12C mutation.

Dr Mok: Actually, my research has been mostly on targeted therapy. My first break was on the EGFR [epidermal growth factor receptor] mutation. I was one of the first to help define personalized medicine according to the EGFR mutation in the IPASS study [2009]. That’s how I started my academic career.

Question: I read some quotes from your writing some years back about “living with imperfection,” and where you wrote about the whole continuum of cancer research. Years ago, you noted that lung cancer was moving from being a death sentence to becoming a chronic condition.

Dr Mok: The objective is this: A lot of cancer patients, especially lung cancer patients, had a very short survival, but now we are able to identify a subgroup of patients with a driver oncogene.

And with that, we can use a tyrosine kinase inhibitor — which although it has toxicity, it’s manageable toxicity — such that you can take one pill a day and continue to live a normal life. So that would be not so different from diabetes or hypertension: You live with the disease. So that’s what we like to see: the conversion of a fatal disease into a chronic disease.

Question: So many countries now, including the United States and many others, are facing the challenges of cancer care in rural versus urban areas. Is this a topic you’d be willing to address?

Dr Mok: Well, in Hong Kong we don’t have rural areas! But in China, this is a major problem. There most of the cancer care is focused on the so-called three major cities [Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou]. And after that, there are second-tier cities that also have reasonably good care. But when you filter down to the third and fourth layer, the oncology care actually deteriorates. So that’s why we end up with a lot of people from the more rural areas moving and going to the city looking for care and consultation. So yes, the disparity is significant.

But China is a growing country. It takes time to change. Right now, we can see at ASCO this year, there are a lot of investigators from China sharing their new findings, which is a major development, compared to 10 years ago. Therefore, I think that when you have this type of proliferative development, eventually the good care, the high-quality care will filter down to more rural areas. So, at this moment, I think there is still a lot of work to do.

Question: You’ve talked about how oncologists from China are coming up in the field, and this year they have an even greater presence at ASCO, as well as oncologists from elsewhere in Asia, including South Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. You’ve been coming to ASCO for many years. Can you talk about the factors behind China’s increasing presence? 

Dr Mok: I think it’s a combination of factors. First of all, I had the honor of working with lung cancer researchers from China from way back, 25 years ago. At that time, we all had nothing. Then with the development of multitargeted therapies, they managed to build up a very good infrastructure for clinical trials. And then, based on that good infrastructure, they were able to do international collaborative studies and provide a supply of patient resources and high-quality data. So, they’ve learned the trick, done a good job, but they cannot have so-called independence until there is a development of pharmaceuticals in China.

And then over the past 10 years, there’s been a proliferation — actually an explosion I would even say — of high-quality pharmaceutical companies in China. First, they’ve got the resources to build the companies. Second, they’ve got the talent resources returning from the United States. So, putting all that together, these were able to go from start-ups to full-fledged functional companies in a very short time.

And with that, they actually sponsored a lot of trials within China. And you can see that putting all the components together: you’ve got high-quality researchers, you’ve got the infrastructure, and now you’ve got your drugs and the money to do the trials. As a result, you’ve got a lot of good data coming from China.

Question: There’s also a population with these mutations.

Dr Mok: That for one, but most have multitargeted therapies, but they also have immunotherapies that have nothing to do with the high incidence. But I think in a sense, in the beginning, they were doing ‘me-too’ compounds, but now I think they are starting to do ‘me-better’ compounds.

Question: Is there anything you want to say about some of the other presentations that have your name on them at ASCO this year?

Dr Mok: I think the most important one I was engaged in is the CROWN study. The CROWN study is actually a phase 3 study that compares lorlatinib versus crizotinib in patients with advanced, ALK-positive non–small cell lung cancer.

This is a 5-year follow-up, and we were actually able to report an outrageously encouraging 5-year progression-free rate at 60%, meaning that the patient is walking in the door 5 years later when they are on the drug, and 60% of them actually do not have progression, not death, just not progression, just staying on the same pill — which is quite outrageously good for lung cancer.

This article originally appeared on, part of the Medscape Professional Network.

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Publish date : 2024-06-21 13:17:23

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